Table of Contents
Prepared for Sarah de Lagarde
Conquer Mt. Kilimanjaro, the world’s highest free-standing mountain
Aug 07, 2024 - Aug 19, 2024


Detailed Itinerary
Trip Overview
Detailed Itinerary
9 Aug - 10 Aug, 2024

Fly to Tanzania and your adventure begins!

Upon arrival in Kilimanjaro, you will be met and taken to your lovely hotel to relax after your flights. You will meet your hiking team for your briefing. 

Pink Flamingo Boutique HotelCottage Deluxe Twin Room B&B
1 Night
10 Aug - 15 Aug, 2024

You have your 6 day (5 night) trekking route. 

Mount Kilimanjarothe Full Board
5 Nights
15 Aug - 16 Aug, 2024

Your final descent brings you to the bottom. You part ways here with your hiking crew and are transfered to your hotel for the night.

Kahawa House Standard Room B&B
1 Night
Aug 16, 2024

Return home today and this completes your incredible achievement.

The Marangu Route
The Marangu Route

Day One: Marangu Gate (1,800m/5,905ft) to Mandara Hut (2,743m/9,000ft)

Elevation Gain: 915 meters (3,000 feet)

Your Kilimanjaro adventure begins with a departure from Arusha at 8 am, heading for Marangu Gate. The drive to Marangu typically takes about 4 hours. Upon your arrival at the gate, you'll meet our team of guides, cooks, and porters. After completing the necessary gate registration procedures, your Kilimanjaro trek officially commences.

The initial part of the hike involves navigating a narrow trail that winds through the lush Kilimanjaro rainforest. Your journey will take you deeper into this natural wonderland. Around the halfway point of day one, you'll break for a picnic lunch at Kisambioni. After your meal, you'll continue your trek through the rainforest, eventually arriving at Mandara Hut.

Once at Mandara Hut, you'll have the rest of the day to relax or choose to embark on a short hike to Maundi Crater. On clear days, the panoramic views are truly breathtaking. To the east, you'll glimpse Taveta, while to the northwest, the majestic Mawenzi Peak dominates the horizon. This short hike is well worth the effort, given the stunning vistas it offers.

Mandara Hut comprises A-frame huts that can accommodate up to seventy people. These huts are equipped with several sleeping areas and a dining section. Importantly, all of Marangu's huts are furnished with beds and mattresses, providing you with some comfort on your trek.


Day Two: Mandara Hut (2,743m/9,000ft) to Horombo Hut (3,720m/12,200ft)

Elevation Gain: 977 meters (3,200 feet)

Following breakfast at Mandara Hut, bid farewell to the Kilimanjaro rainforests as you make your way to Horombo Hut. Today's hike will predominantly traverse Kilimanjaro's moorland, a rocky terrain adorned with desert-like vegetation. You'll pause for a picnic lunch at Kambi ya Taabu before resuming your journey towards Horombo Hut. If the weather is clear, you'll be treated to splendid vistas of Mawenzi and Kibo peaks along the way. Anticipate reaching Horombo Hut at approximately 3 pm, allowing you ample time to unwind for the remainder of the afternoon.

Despite being quite busy, the Horombo Huts are renowned as some of the best on Kilimanjaro. These small A-frame structures can each accommodate up to eight individuals and serve as accommodations for hikers both ascending and descending the mountain, as well as those acclimatizing. In total, Horombo Hut can house around one hundred hikers, in addition to numerous porters, cooks, and guides.


Day Three: Horombo Hut (3,720m/12,200ft) to Mawenzi Hut (4,600m/15,100ft) to Horombo Hut (3,720m/12,200ft)

Elevation Gain and Loss: 880 meters (2,900 feet)

Today is dedicated to acclimatization, and we recommend embarking on a hike to Mawenzi Hut to aid in altitude adaptation. This trek will enhance your prospects of reaching Uhuru Peak while affording you splendid vistas of Kibo. After your excursion, return to Horombo for a late lunch, and then take the afternoon and evening to unwind and rejuvenate at Horombo Hut.

Day Four: Horombo Hut (3,720m/12,200ft) to Kibo Hut (4,750m/15,580ft)

Elevation Gain: 1,030 meters (3,380 feet)

Start your day with breakfast at Horombo Hut, and then set out on a journey through the moorland and alpine desert of Kilimanjaro's higher altitudes. After about an hour of hiking, you'll reach Maua River, a small mountain stream. Beyond Maua, the terrain levels out, and the vegetation becomes sparse. Pause for lunch at Middle Red Hill. Following your meal, continue ascending steadily for another two hours, making your way through Kilimanjaro's Saddle. While the landscape en route to Kibo is a stark desert with limited vegetation, you'll be rewarded with breathtaking views of the Kibo and Mawenzi peaks. Arrive at Kibo Hut around 3pm to rest and prepare for your midnight climb.


Day Five: Kibo Hut (4,750m/15,580ft) to Summit (5,895m/19,340ft) to Horombo Hut (3,720m/12,200ft)

Elevation Gain: 1,145 meters (3,760 feet) Elevation Loss: 2,175 meters (7,140 feet)

Around midnight, prepare for the final ascent to Uhuru Peak, the roof of Africa. The hike commences with a challenging 5-hour trek to Gillman's Point on the crater rim. Although considered the easiest of the three paths to ascend the crater, it remains exceptionally demanding. The first significant rest point, William's Point, sits at 5,000 meters and is roughly a 2-hour hike from Kibo Hut. Continue for another thirty minutes before starting the rocky switchbacks leading to Gillman's Point, which stands at 5,681 meters.

The hike from Gilman's to Uhuru Peak is a gradual ascent and, in terms of terrain, not particularly difficult. However, the altitude makes the journey long and exhausting. The hike along the crater rim takes approximately 2 hours. Upon reaching Uhuru, capture photographs of your guide and group at the peak before embarking on the descent to Horombo Hut.

While descending from the summit, you can appreciate the magnificent views you may have missed on the way up. Take a short break and enjoy some snacks at Kibo Hut before continuing your descent to Horombo Hut. Arrive at Horombo Hut in the afternoon and savor your final night on the mountain.


Day Six: Horombo Hut (3,720m/12,200ft) to Marangu Gate (1,800m/5,905ft)

Elevation Loss: 1,920 meters (6,295 feet)

Following breakfast, complete the trek with a descent to Marangu Gate. Your final hike on Kilimanjaro leads through the captivating cloud forest of Kilimanjaro. Exercise caution during the descent, as the trail can be slippery. We will be waiting at Marangu Gate to transport you back to Arusha. Congratulations on your accomplishment!